《When You Fly Like a Bird Towards Your Mountain》 Reflections


When you feel lost, remember how strong you are.

When you don’t know where to start changing, just do every little thing around you well; when you don’t know how to begin, just do the closest thing to you well. Accumulate small successes, and slowly but surely, one day you will see your own transformation.

As mentioned before: there are many ways to combat a mediocre life. Some resort to drugs, some to various forms of entertainment, and some turn to reading classic books. Throughout life, we all pursue happiness and transcendence. However, there’s a distinction in the quality and quantity of happiness. Happiness comes in two forms: one that leaves behind endless emptiness, and one that leaves behind endless fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Are you the “happy” pig or the “painful” Socrates? Which form of happiness truly embodies a meaningful life? In my view, indulgent happiness is not true happiness. The greatest happiness lies in what reflects human dignity the most!

We continue to read and move forward because we can continuously enjoy higher forms of happiness. If your eyes are only focused downwards, you will never know how joyful it is to look upwards!

When you spend time on a person or a thing, it’s like pouring a segment of your life onto them or it. Regardless of the final outcome, that person or thing becomes a part of your life. Life always presents us with choices, and we’ll eventually find it hard to part ways, like water dissolving into water.

From the author’s words, I see my own reflection. I remember when I self-taught myself about investment and finance, knowing nothing at first. But I had a belief within me that I could learn it well. So, I gathered all the books written by the investment gurus on the market and read them repeatedly. Whenever I encountered unfamiliar terms, I would search them up until I understood them. During this time, I came across a quote from Charlie Munger: “Every day, when you wake up, try to become a little bit wiser than you were the day before. Do a good job, well done, at every task. Slowly, you will make progress, but progress may not be fast. But by doing this, you are laying the foundation for rapid progress… Move forward a little bit every day. In the end — if you are fortunate enough to live long enough — you will get what you deserve.” This quote has always inspired me: stay humble, keep learning, and eventually, I will achieve what I want!

The past is a ghost, intangible and insignificant. Only the future holds weight. What’s important is not the past, but how we perceive it. And our attitude towards the past can change. When each person enters the world, they are like a blank canvas. We can choose how to depict and shape this canvas. We must avoid strong ideological biases and be gentle with others in order to be treated gently by them.

Many people will never awaken in their lifetime, nor do they have the courage to escape ignorance and pursue truth bravely. They spend their whole lives deceiving themselves and others. The process of seeking truth from ignorance is destined to be long and extraordinary. Only by being resolute and boldly moving forward can you fly towards your mountain without hesitation!

Excerpt Review of “When You Fly Like a Bird Towards Your Mountain”